R-bot's Undefined

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R-bot's Undefined

A forum where the Game "R-bots" is developed. Here a New PC game that will be released to the public is undergoing construction.

    What's expected.

    Sword Legion
    Sword Legion

    Posts : 42
    Join date : 2014-07-14
    Age : 29
    Location : inside that mind

    What's expected. Empty What's expected.

    Post by Sword Legion Sat Jul 19, 2014 1:17 pm

    So, we have started work on the PC title, but we have to set goals and some work standards, otherwise nothing gets done.

    Sounds good?

    So, here's my requirements- for the benefit of myself and others on this team, we all gotta pull our own weight!

    I want you all to put:

    3 1/2 hour into this project every week, that's half an hour a day, and not too much to ask, actually, I'd like more, but I can't even make THIS much since I get up at 4:45, take a 1 1/2 hour drive to work, don't know when I'll get done each day, then it's a long drive back, not knowing how many stops my dad will make along the way, meaning that I've literally gotten home as late as 9:19 (which is what happened yesterday actually, might happen again today, but I doubt it, I should be home at least an HOUR earlier!)


    so yeah,


    And doing stuff like surfing the web and being on a forum (other than this one for the sake of just checking something out) will NOT count toward your 3 1/2 requirement.

    I know that we don't always want to do what we gotta do, but that's what we gotta do.

    I also have a credit system that I will go by when dividing up the pay at the end of the project- more on that later- so work hard.

    My goal, is to have level one done by Christmass, or really how bout December 23? I don't know how long it will take, but I've GOT to set some sort of goal!

    So, keep me posted at the end of every week, sometime between friday and monday, telling me how much time you've put in, and what you've gotten done. That way I can moniter where we're at and such.

    Thanks for you cooperation. Smile

      Current date/time is Fri Sep 20, 2024 10:23 pm